Martin Rodriguez (Marty)

Clearance: 3

Birthdate: February 17

Age: 25

Height: 5'8

Weight: 175~ lbs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

- Questioning

Description: A mexican man, who wears glasses

Casual Clothing:

- A t-shirt

- Jeans

Work Clothing (with Labcoat):

- A t-shirt

- Jeans

Personality: [Loading Error...]



    Marten graduated from Snowhill Highschool and worked at Sandie's Coffee Place—one of the Foundations fronts for part time. He then worked at the Foundation full time once he graduated from Rustic Valley College (RVC).



- Can speak in Latin, Russian, German, Enochian, Hindi, Greek, French, Portuguese, Norwegian, Scottish Gaelic, Italian, and Arabic

- Smells like cinnamon

- Doesn’t like heights and going into caves alone


Voice Claim:

